Muscle Injuries

Muscle injury occurs due to overstretching or torn muscle and it usually happens due to sudden muscle strain or muscle pull. The injury could be a result of fatigue, exertion, or improper muscle movement and can occur in any muscle. However, they are common in lower back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring and the strain can cause pain and affects the body movement in an injured area.


Most muscle strains occur from a variety of causes ranging from overstretching muscles beyond the limit or even a damage or tear to the muscle . An acute form of muscle strain can occur unexpectedly as a result of trauma or injuries. Usually, it occur due to the following reasons:

  • Weight lifting without proper form and body technique
  • Running or Jumping
  • Poor Posture
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Holding back or neck in an awkward position for a longer duration
  • Poor flexibility
  • Overexertion
  • Fatigue
  • Participating in contact sports like football, hockey, soccer, boxing and wrestling, can increase your risk.


It is easy to identify muscle injury symptoms as one of the most common symptoms is lasting pain in a particular region. Some of the other common symptoms are soreness in a region, limited movement range, bruising and discoloration, swelling, seething pain in the muscles when gentle pressure is applied on it, weakness, and even stiffness.


  • Tendinopathy
  • Underlying joint instability
  • Stress Fracture
  • Nerve Entrapment
  • Avulsion fracture
  • Muscle Injury Treatment

Muscle injury that occurs as the result of exertion is often managed symptomatically using thermal modalities. Light to moderate exercise and stretching assist in reducing symptoms and restoring muscle function.

The interventions for neuromuscular related conditions focus on resolving the underlying neurological condition (e.g., nerve impingement, disc herniation).


Muscle injury that occurs as the result of exertion is often managed symptomatically using thermal modalities. Light to moderate exercise and stretching assist in reducing symptoms and restoring muscle function.

The interventions for neuromuscular related conditions focus on resolving the underlying neurological condition (e.g., nerve impingement, disc herniation).